Thursday, September 27, 2007


September 25 sucks. I left my algebra book at home and then that day the teacher decided to check our freaking books if we have them. So I got a zero for that day. AN F!!! A freaking F. X_X And if that's not bad enough, I was very much tired that day.


26th! Woo. I love this day. Granted I'm still really tired since I stayed up late watching the season premiere of House MD [WHICH IS AWESOME!] So anyways.. went to school and watched "The Taming of the Shrew" by William Shakespeare. Very, very awesome show. Cute guy too. ;) HAHAHA. We had a substitute for World History so Dakota changed seats on the other side of the room, and they kept throwing this pen and one almost hit me. And then he came over and said..

DAKOTA: Hey. Did I hit you? I'm sorry.
ME: No you didn't.



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