Saturday, July 21, 2007

ate laurene's survey.

I have nothing else to write so I decided to do this. [Finally.]

1.) Where do you blog? I mean, what’s your host?
Blogger. But occasionally, I blog here too. I used to blog in Xanga but I thought it's not that versatile.

2.) How long have you been blogging? When did you start blogging?
I have been blogging, for 3 years. But it's not regular. My first blog was full of stupid posts and I only used it when I was bored. But since my vacation before 2nd year.. I have been blogging regularly. So, that's 2 years of regular blogging.

3.) What pushed you to start blogging?
Well, I had nothing to do and I thought Xanga was really cool, so I did. And I read Anlo's blog and it encouraged me to start my own.

4.) Why do you blog? What's the purpose of a blog in your case?
I started to blog because I had a lot of anger and sadness and stuff that I wanted to get out and I realized that writing is my outlet for that. But now, I blog because I want to update people of what's happening to my life since we moved here in the US.

5.) Why is your blog named like that?
Actually, I copied the title of my blog from another title. But I am gonna change it from, Sweet Misery to Nothing's real until it's gone. It's a lyric of a song from The Goo Goo Dolls. I thought it was really good and I liked it.

6.) How much do you know about HTML, CSS, PHP, Java, and Photoshop before?
I didn't really know much about HTML before. But since we took up HTML in our 2nd year, I know pretty much a lot of stuff. Before, I just used to experiment in Photoshop because I can't really understand the interface, but now.. I know a little. Haha.

7.) How much do you know about HTML, PHP, CSS, Java, and Photoshop now?
Like I said, I'm good with HTML and Photoshop. The other things though, nada.

8.) How frequent do you blog?
When I have the time and I have something to say. But now, not regularly.

9.) Who are your first friends in the blogging scene?
Anlo, because it was her blog that introduced me to the blogging world in the first place.

10.) Anyone who flamed you online? How did you handle the situation?
Fortunately, no one yet. No one has the guts. Haha.

11.) How many lay-out changes have you done? What is your fave? Did you make it yourself or did you get it from a site like BlogSkins?
About, 5 I think. And I only steal it from Blogskins. Haha.

12.) How long does you blog load?
It's pretty fast. But I think that's just because we have high-speed internet both here and in the Philippines. I don't know with dial-up though.

13.) How many hits are there in your SiteMeter?
I don't have that because I think it's pretty much just me who visits my own blog. Haha.

14.) How many URLs have you used?
3 from Xanga, 2 that I haven't actually used. 4 in Blogger. The other 2 are for school stuff, and the other one is never opened because I forgot my username. 1 Friendster, and 1 Myspace.

15.) How many blogs do you have?
Two active ones. This one, and the Blogger one.

16.) What do you talk about in your blog?
About stuff that I know other people wouldn't really understand. Life, experiences, and whatever may come.

17.) Do you understand full well the Bloggers' Code of Ethics? What part do you practice? What part do you not practice?
I didn't even read the Bloggers' Code of Ethics. Haha. I'll work on it.

18.) Are you OC on grammar and typos?
Yes. But I'm really particular about the grammar because I love english. The typos only happen when I really don't know the spelling. Haha. Or if I accidentally pressed the wrong letter.

19.) Anyone who copied something from you? What did you do?
No. I don't think my writing's that good for somebody to copy it. Haha.

20.) Anyone who thought your blog's offensive? How did you deal?
No. I don't think so.

21.) Who are your favorite bloggers? What blogs do you frequent?
I frequent Kuya Aaron's blog. And Bea's blog. And Ate Paula's blog. And Ate Laurene's blog. And DQ's blog. These are actually my favorite blogs because I think they write really well.

22.) What is you favorite entry? Least favorite?
Nothing. I don't really remember some of my entries.

23.) What can you say about the people who open blogs just because it's the current fad? How do you feel about glitter graphics and sticky caps? What is your standpoint regarding the "Save the Vowels" campaign?
Well, whatever they wanna do. I don't like the glitter graphics though. The sticky caps thing, I was guilty once before. And the "Save the Vowels" campaign? I AM ALL FOR IT.

24.) Are you a camwhore? Where did that expression come from?
Yes. I AM! I have no idea where but I think I read it from someone's blog and I forgot which.

25.) Any favorite blog designers?
I forgot the name.

26.) Won any Blog Award? Or featured in any site?
Haha. I wish.

27.) Who frequently comments on your blog?
No commenting on my blog. I can't figure out how to put HaloScan. Haha.

28.) EB-d any blogger? Or seen any in person?
Not really. Most of the persons I like are people that I personally know. Either, classmate or schoolmate.

29.) Do you think every Blogger is into books and reading?
Hell yes.

30.) Did blogging change you in any way?
I'd like to think so. I'd like to think that I grew up in some way and that I am on my way to self-actualization. Haha.

Lastly, put the names of the people who you want to answer this questionnaire.
Whoever's bored or got nothing better do.


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