Sunday, January 07, 2007

really. Always you and me // Part 2

I've been so caught up in all this crap we call school so I haven't been able to update. Besides, I've got nothing to say. So, I'll just post this.. XD

Always you and me // Part 2


"What are you looking at Fenessy?"

"You, you silly Michaels."

She rolled her eyes. "Yes, but why?"

He didn't speak for a long time. He just continued to stare, his expression serious, yet slightly bewildered.

"What Fenessy! What?!"

"I can't figure it out."

She blinked. "What on earth are you talking about?"

"You're not pretty."

And she didn't really know what to feel, so she moved around him to leave.

He grabbed her wrist and made her face him. "But, then again, you are. Isn't that strange?"

She couldn't quite meet his eyes, feeling insecure suddenly. And why wouldn't she? "I don't know what you're talking about and as far am I'm concerned you're the only thing that's strange here."

He let go of her wrist, and took a step back, grinning. "Did I hit a soft spot Michaels?"

She hated him. Why was she here? Why the hell was he here? "Goodbye, Fenessy."

She was a few steps away when he spoke again. "You know what's really strange, Michaels? The fact that I enjoy these ;visits' more that I should. The fact that, awhile ago, I found you to be the most hideous thing in the world, but now..." He trailed off, his voice uncertain.

She didn't want to hear these things. Not from him. And for a moment she wondered if this was real. She wondered if it really was Josh Fenessy saying these impossible things to her.

It couldn't be real.

She closed the space between them. He was startled and tried moving back, but he had nowhere to go with that tree behind him.

That stupid tree.

Her face wasn't more than an inch from his and she could see that he no longer looked composed like he always did. No longer cool. No longer indifferent.

It couldn't be real.

She could prove that it wasn't real. She would prove that it wasn't real. She could. She would...

She kissed him.

Reality could be a fickle thing.



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